Connecting eForms with Workflow Designer

Connecting eForms with Workflow Designer

The following is an overview of the procedures involved in the first-time setup for connecting eForms with Workflow Designer.

  1. Within the DocRecord Desktop Client, create Categories which will group documents similar indexes and properties together.

  2. Within the eForm Designer, design your eform and upload your eform to the eForm Manager.

  3. Within the Workflow Designer, create a workflow which includes the Merge To Form Action and the Create Document Action.

  4. After creating your workflow within the Workflow Designer, set your eform as a Resource and upload your workflow to the Workflow Server.

  5. Within the eForm Designer, set your workflow as the Data Destination.

DocRecord Category Creation
Categories are classifications you may create and assign to your documents which group documents with similar indexes and properties together. Use Categories to organize your documents for efficient search and retrieval. You may create, edit, assign, and sort Categories according to your organizational needs.

  1. To create a Category, click the New Category icon from the Category ribbon.

2. The Create Category window will appear. Enter a name for your Category in the Category Name field.

You may create index fields for your Category, which will allow you to search for your documents by any index field. For example, creating an index value for an 'Invoice Number' will allow you to search for a document in your Category by invoice number.

3. Within the Index Fields Tab, click the Add Field button to add an index field to your Category.

4. Enter a name for your index and select the index type from the Type drop-down list.

5. The Length field only applies to the Text index type, and specifies how many characters are contained in the index Value.

6. You may designate your index field as required in the Required field. When an index field is required, the index field must be filled with a value before the document assigned to that Category may be added to DocRecord Desktop Client.

7. When you have finished setting the options for your index fields, click OK to create your Category.

Uploading eForms to The eForm Manager
Create your eform and upload the eform to the eForm Manager. For more about creating an eform in the eForm Designer, see the DocRecord eForm Designer User Guide.

  1. To upload your eform to the eForm Manager, select the Upload To Manager icon within the Home Tab.

2. The Upload EForm Dialog window will appear. Either select Upload as New eForm and enter a name within the associated field, or select Overwrite Existing EForm and select an eform from the list below to overwrite. When you have finished, click Upload.

Your eform is uploaded to the eForm Manager, and you may access your eform as a Resource within the Workflow Designer.

Configuring Merge To Form and Create Document Actions
When connecting an eform to a workflow, your workflow must contain a Merge To Form Action and a Create Document Action.

The following is the process for configuring the Merge To Form Action and the Create Document Action.
Note: It is recommended to add a variable which contains the entire file path for the eform you wish to connect to your workflow.

  1. To set a variable within your workflow which contains the entire file path of your eform, select the Add icon.

2. A new blank variable is placed at the bottom of the variables list. Enter a name within your variable that will easily identify it as the variable containing your file path value.

3. Set the variable Type to String and enter the full file path as the Initial Value.

Merge To Form Action

The Merge To Form Action allows you to send data from your workflow to a selected form. You may use your form to generate a PDF which contains your extracted data values.

  1. To set the Merge To Form Action, either double-click the Merge To Form Action from the designer, or select the Merge To Form Action and click the Action Details pane.

2. The Edit Merge To Form window will appear. Click the Select New Form button located in the top right of the Edit Merge To Form window in order to choose the form you wish to use as your data value template.

3. The Select Form window will appear. Choose the eform you wish to use as your PDF template from the eform list and click OK.

4. Select the Expression Editor button within the Output Path field to open the Expression Editor.

5. Enter the variable which contains the entire file path of your eform and click OK. The Merge To Form Action will send the workflow output to the specified eform file.

Create Document Action

The Create Document Action allows you to create a new document and send your new document to your DocRecord Server. You may create index fields for your new document, assign your new document to a Category, and specify the folder path to a folder in your DocRecord Server that you wish to place your new document within.

  1. To set the Create Document Action, either double-click the Create Document Action from the designer, or select the Create Document Action and click the Action Details pane.

2. The Edit Create Document window will appear. Your DocRecordServer variable and DocRecordPort variable will be provided within the Server and Port fields by default.

3. Check the Assign Document To Workflow box to link the newly created document to your workflow tasks. All tasks triggered by Actions within your workflow which require user input in DocRecord will display when a user opens the newly created document within DocRecord.

4. Select the ... button within the Contents field to open the Expression Editor and set the variable which contains the entire file path of your eform.

5. Check the Auto-Populate box to automatically retrieve missing index values for your document.

6. Select the DocRecord Category containing the indexes you wish to use when processing your document from the Category drop-down list. The index values within your chosen Category will automatically appear within the Index Values list.

7. Select the ... button within each index field and map each index field to the corresponding workflow variable.

Setting eForm Resources and Uploading Workflows To The Server
Resources are sets of dynamic variables called Properties which may be assigned to external objects such as documents, forms, and Categories. Properties are assigned dynamic values which are populated when the associated document, form, or Category is processed through your workflow. This allows one Property within a Resource to populate different values depending on the data value extracted from the incoming object.

  1. To set your eform as a Resource within your workflow, click the Add icon, and select the Add From Form option from the menu.

Important: Your eform must be uploaded to the eForm Manager before you may add that eform as a Resource in a workflow. For more about uploading an eform to the eForm Manager, see Uploading eForms To The eForm Manager.

2. The Select eForm window will appear. Choose an eform from the list to create a Resource from.

3. Your new Resource will be placed at the bottom of the Resource list, and the Properties list will be populated with all the detected Properties within your eform.

Upload your workflow to the Workflow Server in order to access your workflow within the eForm Manager.

  1. To Upload your workflow to the Workflow Server, click the Upload icon within the Home Tab.

2. The Upload Workflow window will appear. Either select Save As New Workflow and enter a name within the associated field, or select Overwrite An Existing Workflow and select an eform from the list below to overwrite. When you have finished, click OK.

Your workflow is uploaded to the Workflow Server, and the Run On Server icon is enabled.

Setting A Data Destination

You may set a workflow from the Workflow Designer or a watch folder from your local system as the data destination for your eform. When your eform is uploaded to the eForm Manager and submitted, your completed eform will be sent to the assigned data destination.
Note: Your workflow must be uploaded to the Workflow Server before it may be added as a data destination within your eform.

  1. To set your workflow as the data destination for your eform, click the Add button and select Add Existing Workflow from the drop-down menu.

2. The Workflow Edit Dialog window will appear. Enter a name for your data destination and select a workflow that has been uploaded to the Workflow Server from the drop-down list.

3. Your data destination is added to your eform, and you may apply your data destination to future eforms.

Important: After setting your data destination, you must re-upload your eform to the eForm Manager. For more about uploading your eform to the eForm Manager, see Uploading eForms to The eForm Manager.


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