How to silently deploy the DocRecord Desktop Client

In larger environments, it helps to be able to silently deploy the DocRecord Desktop Client installer to the various user workstations.  First, you will need to first create a "Client.ini" file that contains the following information:


In the example above:

  • "DRSERVER" represents the name or IP address of the machine hosting the DocRecord Document Server.
  • "1500" represents the TCP port number that the DocRecord Document Server is listening on (this is the default port number and typically does not need to be changed).

The "Client.ini" file path is then passed during installation (via command line or deployment utility) using the below parameters:


In the example above:

  • "C:\DocRecord_Installer\" represents the full path to the directory containing the "Client.ini" file.  This path must end with a back slash ("\") character.
  • The remaining parameters should be left as is.

Sample File

Sample Command


EXECUTABLE: "DocRecord Desktop Client.exe" SILENT=True ALLUSERS=True INIPATH="C:\DocRecord_Installer\"

MSI:  msiexec /i "DocRecord Desktop Client.msi" CMDLINE="SILENT=True ALLUSERS=True INIPATH=C:\DocRecord_Installer\" /quiet

Applies To

DocRecord 4.1.x or higher.

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