Migrate DocRecord databases to another SQL Server instance

If you would like to migrate the existing DocRecord databases from one Microsoft SQL Server instance to another (while leaving the actual DocRecord installation where it is), please follow the steps below:

  1. Stop any DocRecord services that are running (DocRecord Document Service, DocRecord Automation Service, and DocRecord Image Service), and then use SQL Server Management Studio to detach the "DocRecord" and "DRAudit" databases in the current SQL Server instance.  Be sure to NOT drop the databases.

  2. Locate the following MDF and LDF database files that were detached for the "DocRecord" and "DRAudit" databases:

    1. DocRecord.mdf
    2. DocRecord_log.ldf
    3. DRAudit.mdf
    4. DRAudit_log.ldf
    These files should be located under the "Data" directory of the current SQL Server instance.  For example, if your SQL Server instance was named "PRISM", the database files would be in the following location:
    C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.PRISM\MSSQL\DATA

  3. Move these database files over to the "Data" directory of the new SQL Server instance, and then attach the "DocRecord" and "DRAudit" databases to the new SQL Server instance using SQL Server Management Studio.
  4. In the Windows Services list where DocRecord is installed, locate the DocRecord Document Service and DocRecord Image Service.  For each of these services, go into the properties of the service and use the "Log On" tab to specify a service account.  This service account must have:

    1. Local administrative privileges on the machine where DocRecord is installed.
    2. DBO (database owner) privileges on the DocRecord and DRAudit databases in the new SQL Server instance.
    3. Read/write permissions to all DocRecord storage locations.
    4. A non-changing or expiring password.

    After setting the service accounts, restart the DocRecord Image Service and the DocRecord Document Service to apply the changes.
  5. Open the DocRecord Server Manager and select Tools > Server Configuration.  In the SQL Server field, click the "..." button to browse and select the new SQL Server instance.  (If you don't see it listed, you can always type in the new SQL Server instance yourself, using the format of MACHINENAME\INSTANCENAME.)  Then click OK to save the settings, and close the DocRecord Server Manager.
  6. Finally, restart the DocRecord Image Service and the DocRecord Document Service to apply the changes.