WorkPath Release Notes
WorkPath Standard – Added Server Variable to Settings Screen. These work the same was the Capture Server Variables do.
WorkPath Standard– Added file sorting option to Get File List Object – WP-682
WorkPath Standard – Fixed issue with SharePoint menu labeling.
WorkPath Desktop – Added Default button to OCR Settings screen to reset the values back to their defaults.
WorkPath Desktop – Add Text placement on landscape documents was off vertically. This was due to how screen Y coordinates were being calculated when the page was wider vs taller. -WP-678
WorkPath Desktop – Modified the Add Text box to allow for vertical alignment. This required the edit box to change from a text entry to view mode because an editable box cannot have a vertical alignment property. When the editor has focus, the alignment and font will not be displayed. When the it loses focus, it will preview the what the text will look like. - WP-677
WorkPath Desktop/WorkPath Standard – Fixed OCR Settings not being applied / reverting on word conversion. The Desktop Manual mode had code added that the PDF has searchable text on every page, and then it uses the ASPOSE converter to convert directly from PDF to Word, with no OCR. This code has been added to the Process Mode as well, but we changed both the process and manual code to add one additional requirement: that the OCR “Layout Mode” setting must be set to “Recreate Source Document”, which is the default. If it set to any other option, then it will always use the OCR to do the conversion instead of the ASPOSE converter. The APOSE conversion was added to speed the conversion and accuracy when the PDF was already searchable. - WP-676
WorkPath Desktop/WorkPath Standard– Fixed icon missing from Clear Folder - WP-681
WorkPath Desktop/WorkPath Standard – Added Database Connection object. This can be used to set the Database connection in the process and then have any other database object after that inherit the connection settings. - WP-680
WorkPath Desktop/WorkPath Standard – Added support to Text Form Object for RegEx patterns in anchors. See JIRA WP-679
WorkPath Desktop/WorkPath Standard – Fixed issue with Box no longer working due to changes required in the Box app configuration. Any corporate customer will need to reauthorize the Box app to work in their enterprise.
DREU – Updated to prevent document with multiple files with the same name from creating problems on export.