How is PrintPath licensed?

How is PrintPath licensed?

PrintPath is licensed based on the number of MFP (multi-functional printer) Connector licenses.  Specifically, there are three modes of how PrintPath may be used:

  1. Licensed - This is the normal operating mode of PrintPath, where licensing is based on the number of MFP Connector licenses.

  2. Free - If PrintPath is unlicensed and there are 5 or less users registered in PrintPath, then PrintPath will operate in a special free mode where all its features are available except for the features involving FollowPrint and the MFP Connector.  Please note that this Free mode will only be available if PrintPath is able to find 5 users or less on the network (i.e. Active Directory contains no more than 5 user accounts with email addresses).

  3. Unlicensed - If PrintPath is unlicensed and there are more than 5 users registered in PrintPath, the only feature enabled in PrintPath will be basic print tracking.  Please note that in this mode, there will be no distinction between tracking black and white or color pages and no costs associated with jobs.