Adding a second DocForm service instance allows you to run two, independent instances of DocForm Server, and split the project load between them. Below are the instructions for adding a second DocForm service instance:
Be sure that you are logged onto the server where DocForm Server is installed and have local administrative rights.
- Open a command prompt window with elevated administrative privileges (search for "command prompt" in the Start menu and right-click on the first result, selecting Run as administrator).
- In the command prompt window, enter the following command and press "Enter":
"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\InstallUtil" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Prism Software\DocForm 5\DocForm5Svc.exe"
Note: This assumes you have installed DocForm to the default installation directory of "C:\Program Files (x86)\Prism Software\DocForm 5". You may need to adjust the final parameter in the command to match your own installation directory for DocForm.
- Enter the desired instance name for the second DocForm service instance, then press "Enter".
- When prompted for the service's user account and password, you may choose from one of the following options:
- Leave it blank - This will use the default "Local System" account for the service account.
- Provide a username and password - This will use the provided username and password as the logon account for this new service instance.
- Leave it blank - This will use the default "Local System" account for the service account.
- Wait until the creation of the new service instance is complete.
- Open the Windows Services list (Start > Run > "services.msc"), and verify that the new service instance has been created. Then start the service.
- Using Windows File Explorer, browse to the "Server" folder of the DocForm installation directory ("C:\Program Files (x86)\Prism Software\DocForm 5\Server" by default). You should now see that a subfolder has been created based on your service instance name.
To assign a DocForm project to this service instance, place a copy of the DocForm project file into the "Projects" subfolder. For example, if the service instance name is "SERVER2", the "Projects" folder would be:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Prism Software\DocForm 5\Server\SERVER2\Projects
The original DocForm service that is installed as part of the product (DocForm 5 Forms Server) is considered the default service instance, and will run any projects that are in the original "\Server\Projects" directory of DocForm:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Prism Software\DocForm 5\Server\Projects- After copying the desired DocForm projects to the "Projects" subfolder of the new service instance, restart the DocForm service associated with the instance. At this point, the projects in this service instance should be actively running.
- You may now split the