Capture/WPS – Fixed issue with Logging code when an internal error can prevent items from getting cleared from the msg queue and there causing the queue to get stuck. Therefore, the logging comes to a halt. This also appears to cause a slowdown in software. This problem appears to occur when do large volume processing (back file conversion, etc)
WPS – Added Sample File and Preview to Contrast and Brightness Object JIRA WP-654
WPS – Fixed JIRA WP-663 – Added CC and BCC to Email Output Object
WPS – Fixed JIRA WP-659 – WPS Connector Process now accepts any type of file.
Capture – Fixed JIRA CAP-338 – Reviewer not showing location of original cone when using a clone zone
WPS – Added File Wait Object – Wait for file or wildcard to arrive and then continues. It does not load the file.
WPS – Added Temp File Object – Create a path to a temp file that cleans up when the processes exists. Helpful if you need to write files out to desk temporarily and wont have to worry about filename collision or having to clean up the files.
WPS – Added Truncate Number Correction – Allows the decimal portion of a number to strips or reduced to a certain number of places.
WPS - Added Import and Export Nodes – Allow for portions of a process to be exported and imported. This is found on the edit menu in the process editor.
Version – Fixed JIRA WP-661
WP/WPS – Added Encode/Decode Corrections
o HTML Encode
o HTML Decode
o URL Encode
o URL Decode
o Java Script String Encode
o XML EncodeWP/WPS – Added Increase/Decrease Number correction. Allows a number to be increased or decreased by a specific value
WPS – Added Clear Directory object which will allow files to be deleted, but leave subfolders intact. Option also to recursively delete files from subfolders.
WPS – Made changes to Delete Directory to match Clear Directory so that the “c:\” root folder and any directory in “c:\windows..” are protected paths from deletion or clearing.
Version – Adding Conditional option to the object Mode setting, so objects can be conditionally skipped, quit, etc when a specific condition is met.
Version – Updated Security objects so they support either a standard domain (domainname) or ldap string (OU=OrgUnit,DC=Domain,DC=local, etc” When using any string that contains a equal sign, the string must be wrapped in quotes to prevent the expression parser from treating it as an expression. UI will attempt to add quotes is they are missing.
WPS – Updated Security objects to add a Test Button. This may fail if the values supplied rely on variables as they would not be in scope. Hardcoded values should be used for testing.
WPS – Updated Security Info object so User Info and Group info functions return the LDAP path of the object which can be useful in setting the Domain/LDAP path to a specific OU.
WPS – Updated Security Info object so variables returned have a consistent naming.
Version – WP-658 – Fixed issue where error is not generated when a file doesn’t exist on Load File Object
WPS – Added Security (AD) Choice object. User Disabled, User Exists, User In Group and Group Exists checks can be made
WPS – Added Security Info Object. Variety of information about users and groups can be returned
ALL – Hid the DR v2API check box so know one shots themselves in the foot or allows a customer to.
Capture – CAP-336- Fixed issue with import data connectors into a template when that connector has Conditions.
WPD - WP-653 – Fixed issue with label being truncated in GUI
WPS – WP-655 - Added Help Button Workflow Editor and Mange Workflows Editor
WP – Workflow Editor “Tool Objects” menu renames to “Workflow Objects”
WPD – WP-623 – Added a forced dispose to the log handler in the API Client object. This is what may be keeping the background instance of WPD running when connected to Capture
Version – TEST BUILD ONLYALL – Added support to use DR API V2 CreateDocument call. A check box has been added to the DR outputs to turn this option on. It will not work with older DR. This enables the use of the Zonal Positional information to be sent to DR. This is untested and should NOT be used outside of Prism as this changes the ways documents are uploaded and no QA or testing has been done on it.
Capture – when using the DR API V2 calls, Capture will pass along the zone placement info as part of the zone data if available. This only applies to data field that are Zone map types. Not text or Database mappings. This enables the use of the Zonal Positional information to be sent to DR. This is untested and should NOT be used outside of Prism as this changes the ways documents are uploaded and no QA or testing has been done on it.
Version – Modified DocRecord Get Document Info class so that any document field variables returned that have spaces in the name are replaced with underscores.
Version – Added PDF DPI Rendering in Server Options
WP - All Image Functions code changed to support inheriting the PDF DPI rendering setting when rendering PDF Pages to Image for image processing
WP – Added FileSettingsObject to Job class to allow settings to be passed down the process chain
Version – Minor change to Installer to hide command windows
Version – Change to the install to force a restart of Explorer, and to terminate WorkPath.PrinterAgent.exe
Version – Disabled the automatic unregistering of the Shell Integration in the uninstalled to test
Version – Wired USENAME and PASSWORD Auth field in REST Connector EndPoint Editor to support and show variable/expression editor.
Version – Made change to installer script for Shell Integration uninstall issue
WPS – Made change to REST API Connector so to deal with EndPoints that are returning non-standard response content types for JSON. Which is causing the data not to be treated as JSON. Code is expecting that the response ContentType to contain: application/json , but some EndPoints are return concatenated return types like: application/ . So this was not getting parsed as JSON. I’ve added code to also look for +json as well as a valid response ContentType marker when checking for JSON content.
Version – JIRA WP-649 – Fixed issue with Uninstall/Reinstall causing the Windows Explorer (aka Desktop) to go black and stay black. This was traced to the code that Uninstalls the WorkPath Explorer Shell Extension. Unregistering an extension causes the explorer to refresh/restart. Which is normal. When running UnRegisterExtention.exe manually it works without incident. The InstallAware was calling this while uninstalling file, so I believe required files where deleted and the shell extension removal fails, leaving explorer in a odd state. Changes the order of operation so shell extension is removed before any of the files are deleted. This will need to get tested. Appears to work fine on my Win 11 Pro machine.
Version – Fixed issue where a Post Process Zone or Post Process Validation on a template with the same name as a Zone on another template in the same dataset was not overriding the Validation Status if the other zone had already set it failed.
WPS – Fixed JIRA Issue Wp-647 – When an error occurs in a process that is part of a sub job set (Burster, Load Dir Files, etc) that can cause endless loop to occur. Error was not resetting the NextObject which caused the same object to get processes over and over.
Version – Fixed JIRA Issue CAP-334 when the Metric Job List wont display if there are sub-jobs. This has been fixed and required changes to the queries, and processor check-in code. Fixed issue so sub jobs are displayed correctly under original file in the Reporting.
WPS – Fixed Issue where the Metric Job List wont display if there are sub-jobs. This has been fixed and required changes to the queries, and processor check-in code.
Version – Fixed issue where Sub_Zones that are part of a column group zone were nothing showing in some of the expression editors where they should have been allowed (Post-Process, Outputs etc)
Version – JIRA WP-646/WPPS-566 DocRecord Checkout to Support Duplicate Filenames in Document – Documents will now get prepended with a CONTENT.ContentID.FileName format. This showed that Checking in documents with multiple files never worked also. As the ContentID was required to check-in files.