WorkPath Standard Enhancements
Bates Stamping - Included a 'Bates Profile' function for Bates stamps – Added Server Variable to Settings Screen. These work the same was the Capture Server Variables do.
WorkPath Standard– Added file sorting option to Get File List Object – WP-682
WorkPath Standard – Fixed issue with SharePoint menu labeling.
WorkPath Desktop – Added Default button to OCR Settings screen to reset the values back to their defaults.
WorkPath Desktop – Add Text placement on landscape documents was off vertically. This was due to how screen Y coordinates were being calculated when the page was wider vs taller. -WP-678
WorkPath Desktop – Modified the Add Text box to allow for vertical alignment. This required the edit box to change from a text entry to view mode because an editable box cannot have a vertical alignment property. When the editor has focus, the alignment and font will not be displayed. When the it loses focus, it will preview the what the text will look like. - WP-677
WorkPath Desktop/WorkPath Standard – Fixed OCR Settings not being applied / reverting on word conversion. The Desktop Manual mode had code added that the PDF has searchable text on every page, and then it uses the ASPOSE converter to convert directly from PDF to Word, with no OCR. This code has been added to the Process Mode as well, but we changed both the process and manual code to add one additional requirement: that the OCR “Layout Mode” setting must be set to “Recreate Source Document”, which is the default. If it set to any other option, then it will always use the OCR to do the conversion instead of the ASPOSE converter. The APOSE conversion was added to speed the conversion and accuracy when the PDF was already searchable. - WP-676
WorkPath Desktop/WorkPath Standard– Fixed icon missing from Clear Folder - WP-681
WorkPath Desktop/WorkPath Standard – Added Database Connection object. This can be used to set the Database connection in the process and then have any other database object after that inherit the connection settings. - WP-680
WorkPath Desktop/WorkPath Standard – Added support to Text Form Object for RegEx patterns in anchors. See JIRA WP-679
WorkPath Desktop/WorkPath Standard – Fixed issue with Box no longer working due to changes required in the Box app configuration. Any corporate customer will need to reauthorize the Box app to work in their enterprise.
DREU – Updated to prevent document with multiple files with the same name from creating problems on export.Options Screen now provides an Enable Bates Stamping Profiles tab to enable profiles to create sequentially numbered Bates stamps for documents. When enabled, users can add the Bates stamps in the profile to documents. [WP-675]
Added archive options to FTP, Email, Socket, Printer and Scheduler Inputs. [WP-674]
Added missing SMTP Security Options to Error Notification Email Settings. [WP-684]
Removed errant variable from displaying in object variables. [WP-685]
Set flag so Get Dictionary Value and Get Directory Value List so they expose their object variables. [WP-687]
Added Get Dictionary Count object which returns the number of items in the dictionary. [WP-688]
Added Create Vars option to Get Dictionary Value and Get Dictionary Value list where it will dynamically create variables based on the value key(s). [WP-689]
PrintQueueFiles directory is now deleted upon service restart. [WP-691]
Made change to log code for thread safety in the Print Queue Input code.
Added extra logging to the Print Queue Input code.
Added the ability to specify the Excel Sheet name when outputting to Excel with the FileData object. If the sheet doesn’t exist, it will add it. [WP-694]
Added Rules tab to Email Input where Allowed and Rejected rules can be defined based on To, From, Subject and Body to determine if an email could be processed or skipped. Emails that do not pass are cleaned up based on the clean-up settings (deleted, moved, etc.) defined in the input. [WP-695]
Added option to email rules to handle rejected email cleanup for IMAP. [WP-696]
Added option to set the Read/Unread status on IMAP emails that are Moved to another folder. This applies to normal cleanup or reject cleanup. [WP-697]
Made change to Excel Sheet Name field on FileData Output Object so an Expression can be used. [WP-698]
Enhanced the Job Done code in Printer Port Input to prevent cross-thread object reference contamination.
Added enhancement to clean up ABBYY tempfiles, QueuePrintFiles, FTPFiles and directories specified in CleanUpFolders.txt that are older than 5 hrs.
Modified Set Dictionary Value and Fill Dictionary Value objects so they will create the dictionary if it doesn’t already exist.
Added Server Variable to Settings Screen. These work the same as the Capture Server Variables do.
Added Dictionary Objects that allow users to easily create table arrays of variable data to use in document processing.
Create Dictionary Variable
Get Dictionary Value
Set Dictionary Value
Delete Dictionary Value
Get Dictionary Values
Fill Dictionary Values
WorkPath Desktop Enhancements
Added a new type to the Zone Reviewer Value Type for Dynamic List. This adds a Database List object with a Search Button. The query will need to be configured to use the %PANELVALUE% token to support passing the inputted search parameter to the query. Unlike the Database List object, the list will not populate until the search button is clicked. If using the reviewer in WPD, then that version will need to upgrade as well as there were changes on the server code and the reviewer code. This applies only to standard review index fields, not table fields. [CAP-234, CAP-350]
WorkPath Standard Resolved Issues
Fixed a UI mechanics error. [WP-686]
Fixed logic issue when certain settings are selected in Get Dictionary Object. [WP-689]
Fixed modified Get Dictionary Value and Value List Object when “Create Vars from Keys” is used to replace spaces in Key Names with underscores when creating Variables. [WP-690]
Fixed an issue where the Printer Queue Input Process was not processing all files intermittently. [WP-691]
Fixed a UI Issue with Server API Setting screen. [WP-692]
Fixed issue with uploading files in the REST API Connector when no fields are being sent with it.
Fixed issue with Dictionary Objects where a user clicking OK did not keep the dialog open.
Fixed an issue where Scheduler Process did not allow for scheduling across day boundaries. It will now allow for a start time and stop time to span day boundaries. [WP-699]
WorkPath Standard and WorkPath Desktop Resolved Issues
Fixed Table Object that was always null. Checked for this in code and made sure to initiate it if it was null. [WP-683]
Made change to Excel Sheet Name field on FileData Output Object so that an Expression can be used. [WP-698]
Fixed a specific issue that occurred when using “Only OCR First Page” and “Coversheets” which could cause a “No Pages Found” error [CAP-349]