Added the ability to set the line terminator on the “Write to File” workflow object.
Added SharePoint oAuth authentication support to the SharePoint Input.
Added configurable “Max Loop Iterations” to the “Loop” workflow object to prevent infinite loop conditions.
Added a “While” option to the “Loop” workflow object.
Added the ability to start the “Loop Index Value” at zero.
Added option to specific “Override Log Root Folder” to the “Server Settings” screen. If the folder field is set to blank, it will default back to the default location.
Added 'browse folder' capabilities to new “Override Log Root Folder” feature.
Added feature to the “Email Notification” workflow object to use CC and BCC fields.
Added “Notes” tab in WorkPath Connect to the “REST EndPoint Editor: dialog.
Added a new feature that allows you to import / export Global Variables.
Added “GetFileInfo” and “GetFolderInfo” types in SPFileModified and SPFolderModified variables.
Added a new “Recycle Token” (OAuth) option to Email Input.
Added Up/ Down buttons to Workflow manager to allow order sorting of the Workflows.
Added a feature to automatically set the SMTP Port when using OAuth so that it does not have to rely on DNS resolution.
Added code to normalize PDF rotation to its viewport rotate to prevent issues with drawing on rotate viewport PDFs.
Added logging of errors caused by Invalid Data Type in SharePoint.
Replaced spaces in column name with underscore when creating variable in the CSV Reader.
Updated the Debug Object so that it no longer contains any Server Settings variables.
Fixed an issue with current file processing when converting from HTML to PDF by adding .HTML to the internal tempfile name to prevent the being treated as TXT.
Fixed an issue with a missing Conditional icon.
Fixed with issue with SharePoint variable paths not decoding the URL character when returned.
Fixed issue where existing SharePont SharePoint download code does not work with APP Security. Changed download method to compatible code.
Fixed issue with Black and White Redactions with rotated PDFs and PDF with offset margins.
Fixed issue with Box Fill Color not setting the transparency based on the selected color. This made transparent color selection not operate correctly.
Fixed an issue with Draw Rectangle with rotated PDFs and PDF with offset margins.
Fixed issue with Draw Lines with rotated PDFs and PDF with offset margins
Updated Vintasoft DLLs.
Fixed an issue with calculating placement when view orientation is set to 270 degress.
Fixed an issue where fields that were not lining up due to the media box having top or left override margin defined that are not the normal zero value.
Fixed a Form Filler Text Alignment issue related to a change in the Vintasoft library “alignment” property. Changed algorithm on how placement is calculated.
Fixed a Form Filler Text orientation issue on PDF pages that have a view orientation that does not match the actual page orientation.
Fixed an issue with Libraries and Folders with spaces or special charters in the name. Libraries are always looked up by URL relative path now, vs Name, in case they are different.
Fixed an issue in SharePoint where “Get File Info” was not returning file path information correctly.Fixed an issue with SharePoint Output Object (from Outputs Menu) not operating correctly.
Fixed an issue where the SharePoint “Get Folder Info” and “Get File Info” were missing fields.
Fixed an issue with SharePoint Output Object (from Outputs Menu) not operating correctly.