Enhanced the Add Barcode workflow object so that (1) it renders the barcodes at native image resolution for raster images (tiff, jpgs, etc.), and (2) for PDF files, it will embed the barcode image at a higher resolution 300 dpi. This should dramatically improve the quality of the barcodes across the board.
Added an Anti-Alias option to the Add Barcode object to help smooth out the human-readable text font. This option should be used with caution, because it may also dither the barcode bars and lead to less crisp bars.
Changed code so GUI will still open if ABBYY is not found, but a warning message will display every time. Any functions that use OCR will generate an “ABBYY OCR Engine not found” error if they are attempted to be used.
Added a Force Dispose to the log handler in the API Client object.