Added an alternate view for documents in Workflow Actions, similar to how folders operate in the Document Management. This new view shows the categories with related documents as child nodes of the category. This is implemented as a user profile toggle, in case the user prefers the Document Management Style of viewing Workflow Documents. [DR-1609] Added a new API call for enhanced DQL searches. This change allows API users to types in a DQL query in the URL to return results that will show up in the Web Client's search results interface. [DR-2397] Enhanced product security using a new method of creating the DocRecord Product ID. [DR-2426] Improved functionality and design of Index Tables and Index Table displays to better sync with changes to index values. Also added visual enhancements for Index Values, and improved selection of Index Values for Click Indexing purposes. [DR-2440]
| Fixed an issue with auto-populate not populating index fields correctly when creating cover sheets [DR-2503] Fixed the tooltip for item descriptions in Workflow Actions. [DR-1609] Fixed an issue with new categories being used whenever creating a document in the Web Client. [DR-2057] Fixed a problem where deleted documents were not being displayed in Deleted Documents. [DR-2467, DR-1967] Fixed an issue where Advanced Search was not returning Category Search results if there was data in the Category Index fields. [DR-2447]