Version 6.7.3 - Dec Jan 2020
Added the option to include a Default Scan profile when performing a scan document.
Added better support for Show All Pages and should now work correctly when Click Indexing. It
should add click indexing to more pages as the user progresses through pages.Added base implementation for saved searches. This includes functionality to delete/add/create a
new saved search. In addition, we should now be able to search by using multiple categories.
Fixed an issue that allowed users to create cross references between personal documents and
non-personal documents.Error messages when importing keywords/MFP Printers are now more user-friendly.
Fixed an issue with clicking indexing in the Document Viewer not filling index values when in the main
Index Value/Document Detail tab.Expression in Document Policy Does Not Save.
Fixed an issue with moving/dragging folders where it would allow you to move a folder to another
folder containing children that have the same name as the folder being moved.Fixed an issue where default system roles could be deleted.
Fix issue in web client for Document Viewer => Unnecessary Duplication Policy popup is getting
triggered. Document Viewer => Unnecessary Duplication Policy popup would not be triggered in web client.Fixed an issue in DocRecord Desktop Client with first index value being skipped after selecting
Category.Fixed an issue with the document viewer not displaying the new Index Value Table sidebar properly.
Fixed an issue with validators erring out with required Date Fields.
Fixed an issue with "Load In Native Application" menu ambiguity for documents in "EForm" Category.
Fixed scaling with buttons in the Document Viewer, so they are more viewable in smaller resolutions.
Fixed an issue with buttons in the Document Viewer menu not showing during specific resolutions.
Version 6.7.1 - Nov 2020-11
Fixed an issue with Drop-down to select a folder is not working in "Generate Cover Sheet".
Fixed an issue with scan button not being activated properly when appropriate scan devices are
registered.Fixed an issue with Batch Processing causing a large processor % usage increase.
Fixed an erroneous method call.
Fixed an issue with empty choice values containing only spaces.
Fixed an issue where buttons in storage location were not being disabled properly when deleting a
storage location.Fixed an issue with accessing documents in folders when the index value contains quotes.
Fixed an issue with File name becomes same as document name when shared via File > Share > Email.
Fixed an issue with categories that had their default folder set to awaiting commit not being
created properly.Fixed an issue with empty dropdowns when categories with no index fields are selected in Relation
Rules.Fixed a cosmetic console issue where an error gets displayed whenever adding a file.
Fixed an issue where documents in categories that don't have awaiting commit as the default
destination folder weren't being deleted properly.Fixed an issue with auto-populate not working correctly when multiple choices are given.
Fixed an issue with swapping to an invalid document in the document list within the document
viewer.Fixed an issue with document viewer sidebars not scaling well with smaller screens and zoom levels
higher than 100.
Web Client
Version 6.7.3 - Jan 2021
URL mask and length are now editable in the web client.
Version 6.7.1 - Nov 2020-11
Decimal places should now show up for numbers when viewing documents in document list view for both Web and Desktop Client.
Version 6.7.3 - 2020-11
URL mask and length are now editable in the web client.
Version 6.7.3 - Jan 2021
Search - Create / Commit Dates - DocRecord has documents stored in UTC And my Windows instance is a different culture other than UTC And I am using the Desktop Client When I search a document based on Create or Commit dates - Version - - 2021-01-05
Fix for Workflow Actions Approval Buttons in Web Interface not Working.
Fixed document toolbar allowing users to cross reference personal and non-personal documents.
Fixed errors such as file locks/file accessing, filtering by JSON files, and enhanced processing methods so that it would run more efficiently.
Version 6.7.1 - Oct 2020
Fixed an issue with seeing buttons on low resolution monitors (1024x768) monitors in the index
fields/constraints section.Fixed an issue with quick search in the Web Client not working correctly if default keyword search
behavior is different.Fixed an issue where the Search Pane > Relevance Column was reappearing after it was hidden.
MFP Document Security
Version 6.7.1 - Nov 2020
Added constraints for MFP Document Security category, as well as add specialized MFP Security Jobs
eForm Designer
Version 6.7.1 - Nov 2020
Added base implementation for implementing eForms into Workflow items that require the user to
complete an eForm.Added eForms support for detailed view.
Application Extender
Fixed an issue where a Query with a parameter from App Extender is was not returning correct documents. - Version - 6.7.1 - 2020-10-16
Added a method to return a web client URL from DocRecord server machine.
Re-Implemented a method to fetch web client URL.
Removed the need to check web client URL content in controller.
Added more checks to ensure that negative lengths in a index field do not throw an error and are
fixed properly. Submitting current work on eForms integration into Web Client. Majority of the base work has been
done in the document viewer (Detailed View to be completed), and enhancements to eForm control
names to be done. DR-2050 - Version - 6.7.1. 7 - 2020-10-28